Whether you’re 10 years sober, just starting down the path to recovery, or supporting someone in their recovery journey, you’ll find The Phoenix a welcoming place. Our members and staff not only understand what you’re going through, but are here to give you the support to rise above substance use disorder. All you have to do is take the first step through our doors.


We’ve got your back

The only cost of membership is 48 hours of continuous sobriety. And a promise to treat each other with respect and understanding. So even if you’ve never run a mile or picked up a barbell, we invite you to come see what we’re all about.


Strength in numbers

The Phoenix has more than 104,000 members across the country, each with their own story. But whether they join us for weightlifting or yoga, they all share a common goal of connecting with others to help find themselves.


Take that first step

We make it easy to get started at The Phoenix. Just visit one of our locations or enroll in an online class and experience another way to live sober and build friendships.